After reading this Francoise Sagan quote the other day it dawned on me that the only time I TRULY dress with another person's approval in mind is when I go on dates! Usually, the ensemble assembly considers no one's tastes but my own - my style is mine, ya know? But when I'm going on a date, particularly when I REALLY like the guy, two questions come to mind as I'm getting dressed:
1. Am I comfortable? (Uncomfortable = NOT CUTE, EVER!)
2. Will he like me in this?
I think I've read in countless mags and blogs that men are not as attentive as women when it comes to detail, particularly when it comes to a woman's attire. It could just be me, but the kind of men I tend to date are the kind of men who not only take notice of what I'm wearing and how I'm wearing it, but also give commentary on my attire (complementary and otherwise - I happen to like my men a bit on the blunt side!). I know my efforts are never in vain. And truly, the question of "will he like me in this?" is almost completely (if not completely) a question of "will he like it so much that he'll want to see what's under it?"
Truthfully, as I put together the set pictured above, I thought of the man I'm dating and what I think he'd like. My guess is that this one is a definite take-offer. What do you think?
The take-off ensemble:
Handbag: Kenneth Cole New York (one of my fav designers!) Bag Harbor Clutch: $118, Piperlime.com
Shoes: Sam Edelman Sadi, $39.99 (ON SALE, sizes 7 &8 only!), Piperlime.com
Dress: B&Lu (LOVE THEM! Great customer service!) Raquel Dress: $59, bandlu.com
Ring: Modcloth Speakeasy Cocktail Ring, $19.99, modcloth.com
Earrings: Modcloth Pensive Peacock Earrings, $13.99, modcloth.com
And underneath:
Torrid Black Keira Teddy, $26, Torrid.com
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